Despite their best efforts, it appears that the kiddos will not have Indian Corn to sell with their pumpkins this fall. Unfortunately, it seemed doomed from the start. The seed was poor to germinate and what did poke through the ground did so over a 2 or 3 week period. Then every time the wind would blow some of it would fall over. Now, I think it just couldn’t tolerate the hot, dry weather.

It Doesn’t Look Good For The Kiddos Corn

No Bin-Buster Here

Luckily, this wasn’t the kiddos’ main concern. The pumpkins plants are doing great!

Part Of Row 1

Part Of Row 2

I’m impressed at how well the pumpkins have done so far and how well the kiddos have taken care of them. I was afraid that three rows of plants may have been too much for them starting out, but they’ve managed to stay ahead of the weeds – which meant an early morning weeding session last week to avoid the heat.