A couple weeks ago, I shared pictures of what the second floor of the house looked like last year at closing. These pictures were listed as bedroom 1:

Bedroom 1

Bedroom 1

Potato Boy ended up claiming this room. It’s hard to tell from the photos, but the carpet in this room was a pretty dicey – it was well aged. So after the same drywall-texture-paint routine that we did in Sissy’s room I pulled up the carpet hoping it find a wood floor to refinish. No luck – well, not at first glance. Under the carpet was the original 6″ pine boards that had been installed when the first half of the house was built over 100 years ago. Even that would have been neat sanded and varnished, but the boards already had several coats of paint… with the most recent being a shade of aqua blue.

So what do you do? The DW and I figured we had three options 1) carpet, 2) strip the floor and refinish it, or 3) get creative. We were leaning towards carpet because we knew we didn’t have time for #2. We also didn’t know the condition of the wood flooring under the paint and didn’t want to get into a bigger mess. We were still hesitant about carpet, though, because we knew Potato Boy loved to play on a hard surface floor – his toys all just worked better for him on a hard surface.

That’s were the creative part came in. Late one night after everyone else had gone home I was standing in the doorway of the bedroom when I had an idea. I grabbed some painter’s tape and got to work – 90 minutes later (10:35 pm to be exact) I snapped these photos and sent a text message to the DW with my idea.

The View From The Closet

The View From The Doorway

We picked up the floor paint the next day and by the end of the weekend Potato Boy was ready to play ball.

Looking Down Third Base Line

Looking Down First Base Line

It was a perfect fit with his Chicago Cubs decorations. Plus, there was another positive out of this… Potato Boy is so proud to show off his floor, that he rarely leaves his toys out after playing with them. He wants to make sure a mess doesn’t hide his ball diamond from visitors.

Potato Boy’s Room

I’ve been told my next project for Potato Boy’s room is to build a loft for his bed. Sounds like a good winter time project. I guess I better add it to the list.