Wow… it’s been almost ten days since the last post. The time has flown by. Between Christmas with the kiddos, catching up with old friends, sharing time with family, and tackling a couple special projects the last week went by way too fast… oh, and there was also a little bit of digging out after 14″ of snow.


The snow came hard and fast on Thursday. There were two separate times during the day we heard thunder.

The rest of the shots are from Saturday once the wind had calmed and the sun came out.


Notice the difference from left to right in this shot. The fence posts are all about 50 inches tall. There’s only 12 inches of the post on the far left sticking out of the drift. On the far right, is bare ground. So where does 14 inches of snow over a 100 acre field go?


One spot is the end of our driveway…


…another spot is down the road a bit.


This stretch of the road is still only one lane wide with snow pushed back about 6-8 feet high on both sides. If we get another significant snowfall with decent winds, this could be a real mess. The state highway didn’t look much better, but once the snow blowers made a couple passes it wasn’t nearly as impressive.

It’s not that any of these drifts are the largest ever, or even in recent memory. What’s impressive is that it all piled up in under 36 hours.