Spring arrived in a big way over the weekend. (So much, that the kitchen cabinets still aren’t reassembled.) It was the first warm (in the 70s) sunny weekend since September – that’s a long time. So while the kiddos made the most of the sun, I thought I’d take care of our mailbox issue.

I wish I had a “before” picture of the old mailbox, but there really wasn’t enough of anything left to take a picture off. The old box had been chewed on by Pip and replaced over a year ago, but then the post was clipped by a corn planter and shoved a couple times by the snow plow. The post finally snapped off this winter and it spent most of February and March held upright by being stuck in a snow drift. It was time to start over.

So with a couple hours, a little lumber, a can of black spray paint, and 2 bags of potting soil we once again have a mailbox that doesn’t require a snow drift to stand upright.


I was actually able to salvage the mailbox I put up after Pip pulled the door off the original mailbox while chewing on it. It needed a fresh coat of paint to cover up the John Deere green paint it collected when it was knocked over last year. You can still see the dent in the back of the box in the above picture.


Once the weather warms up a little more, the DW is planning on adding flowers to the base. Hopefully this one sticks around for a few years.
