OK… let’s see… the DW and I have slightly disappeared the last couple weeks. Just to dispel any rumors, we’re still here. We haven’t joined on as roadies for Sesame Street Live or hooked up with a traveling circus as the resident clown family in training… though the later might by fun for a few years.

So what have we been up to? Well, let’s see…

We were back at the UIHC with Peanut for a check up…


We got lost in the garden when it was sunny…


Then while it was raining we got a crazy idea and tore apart the kitchen…


And then we got lost in the garden again…


Of course we played…


And rested…


And then there was this little incident…

IMG_1869 (2)

The glass on the right is three-quarters full of water. Care to guess what’s in the glass on the left?

I guess this means there’s plenty of stories for next week…