Shortly before Christmas, Peanut had her quarterly check up at the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital. The quick summary: Peanut is doing phenomenal! Maybe the most telling sign is the progress on her growth chart. When Peanut was born, and for several months after, she was in the bottom 1% on the growth chart for her height and weight. Even when things were going great, she was only around the 25th percentile. But, after a healthy 8 months Peanut has shot up and is now close to the 75 percentile for her height and weight. With Peanut doing so well, it meant it was time to make a change in her diet. Typically, that meant a change to the supplement we were adding to her “famous” green bean shake. But since the next step down in supplements would mean no supplement at all, Peanut’s green bean shakes will no longer contain green beans! Her shake is now nothing more than PediaSure Peptide and whole milk.


So after growing, pureeing, and freezing more green beans than any sane person should…


And burning out three kitchen blenders in the process…


Peanut’s Green Bean Shake is now a thing of the past…


Except for the fact that Peanut still calls it a green bean shake. And, that’s a problem I don’t mind having.