I’ve referenced our dog on a few occasions, so I guess I’m overdue on the formal introduction.


We adopted Pip from a local shelter when she was just three months old. We were told she was half Lab – half German Shepherd, though we’re not totally convinced on the German Shepherd part.

Pip @ 4 months

Given her size, energy and ability to shed massive amounts of hair, Pip isn’t a house dog. Though, don’t feel bad for her. Potato Boy and I built her a dog house. After last winter, I’m convinced her dog house has move insulation than any of the rooms upstairs.

An In-Process Inspection Of The Dog House

It’s been great watching her grow up with the kids and how she treats each one differently. She’s already protective of Lulu and extremely tolerant when Lulu wants to ride her like a horse – it’s all business. She’ll play for a while with Sissy, but Pip’s interest fades pretty fast. Now, her relationship with Potato Boy is totally different. She can’t get enough of him.

Pip and Potato Boy Playing

All in all, after 10 months with the family I think she’s going to settle in just fine.

Pip Watching The Road From The Porch