So when I picked LuLu up from daycare yesterday one of her teachers said LuLu talked about nothing but fireworks all day. It came as a shock to me. With the DW on bed rest, and Potato Boy and Sissy away for the night, we weren’t planning on any fireworks – and we hadn’t mentioned anything to LuLu about fireworks. They were right though, that’s all LuLu talked about as we drove home… “when are the fireworks”… “why is it dark for fireworks”… “we’re seeing fireworks!” So, after looking around a bit I found one of the local towns was having a fireworks display that would satisfy a 2 year old – there’s larger displays in the area, but fighting the crowds in this instance wouldn’t be worth it. So I told LuLu that we’d go see fireworks, but we’d have to wait until it got dark. It didn’t take LuLu long to pack a bag and watch for the first signs of dusk.

Is It Dark Yet?

Around 9:30 we kissed the DW goodbye and hopped in the car for the 15 minute drive to town. We stopped a couple miles outside of town and parked in a business parking lot – close enough to see, but far enough away that the explosions wouldn’t be too loud. LuLu was bouncing off the walls with excitement talking about nothing but fireworks. Though, I’m not sure why she insisted on the DW’s sunglasses while we waited.

How Bright Are These Fireworks?

The best part – as the first rocket lit the sky and exploded into a large red circle Lulu points and says “What’s that?”