With all the excitement last week, the kiddos ended up spending some time with each of their grandparents at some point during the week. Some of this time was already planned, while other visits were the result of our unexpected stay in the hospital. Either way, the kiddos had loads of fun with each grandparent and plenty of stories to tell – poor LuLu was so excited she couldn’t stop talking about her trip – even 45 minutes after she had gone to bed.

Their Nana took the opportunity to teach Sissy to sew. Sissy received the sewing machine from her other grandmother, but didn’t have a chance to get it out of the box yet. I thought it may have been a little intimidating at first, but that didn’t seem to be the case.


After making several simple items to get her started, Sissy whipped up this pillow case.

Sissy’s First Pillow Case

I heard there might be plans for another pillow case… and curtains… and shams… and sheets. All I’m going to say is that’s a lot of tie dyed pink.

Potato Boy stuck to his motto of “play hard, sleep sound.”

Is He Guarding Potatoes?

Ready For Bed

LuLu even got to spend a little time with her favorite uncle. When I asked her what she did with her uncle she said “We picked up chickens!” He was trying to get her to say that she helped him pick up “chics.” I might need to watch that a little closer next time.

Though the kiddos did something a little different with each of their grandparents (and an uncle), at this point I’m guessing there is one universal truth – none of the houses they stayed in have any ice cream left this morning.