We could have picked a better year for the kiddos to have started out with a pumpkin patch. With the lack of rain and high temps there’s been a few days when things weren’t looking so good – it’s hard to stay excited about a wilted vine day after day. There’s only so much watering and weeding that’s fun when you’re that age. Even on the days the vines were watered they’re still wilted in the afternoon heat.

Sissy Watering The Pumpkins

But, I think things have turned a corner. Late last week Sissy noticed something while watering. Pumpkins!

One Of The First “Big Max” Pumpkins

The hard work is finally showing some return for the kiddos.

A Second “Big Max”

With the addition of a couple new soaker hoses and tiny pumpkins setting on all over the place, I’m expecting a renewed excitement in the project.

Another Pumpkin

I’m wishing I had kept a little closer tabs on what seeds were planted where this spring. It was a bit of a free-for-all the night the kiddos planted everything. It’s pretty easy to identify the “Big Max” by the leaf on the vines, but there’s a couple other varieties of pumpkins that I’m not sure about. Plus, there were a bunch of gourd seeds from last years gourds that were mixed in. There were also a few muskmelon, watermelon, and butternut squash seeds in there somewhere. I found one watermelon vine, and I think it’s the only one. I guess time will tell with the rest of them.