Peanut is 67 days old today, and weighs 2750 grams! That means she is officially above the 6lb mark – 6lbs 1oz to be exact! The past week has been all about improving Peanut’s nutrition. As I mentioned in the last post, the docs having been trying to find a way to fortify her milk in order to boost her protein and calorie intake. And I’m happy to report that Peanut is doing well on a mix of breast milk and progestimil – with NO dumping!

She is SOOOO snuggly!

Another goal was to get Peanut off TPN (total parenteral nutrition) before she goes home. We were on pace to achieve that, gradually stepping down on her TPN (NVN & Lipid) rates while increasing the amount of her oral feedings, however, she hit a point where she just wasn’t gaining weight anymore. She stayed at 5lbs 15.5oz for 5 days in a row. Yesterday, they decided to go back up on her TPN rates, which means she will come home on TPN after all. So, Peanut is scheduled for a surgical procedure to have a broviac (central venous catheter) placed in her chest first thing on Thursday morning. This next week will be A LOT of learning for the Dear Husband and I, so that we’re prepared to care for her NEXT WEEK when she comes home 🙂 That’s right – although they haven’t given us a specific day – they have confirmed (barring any unforeseen complications) that we will be bring Peanut home next week!

Peanut has also been a little anemic and teetering on the edge of needing a blood transfusion. So last Tuesday they went ahead and gave her some new red blood cells. She responded really well – the color has returned to her cute little cheeks and she seems to have a little more energy.

Sissy and Potato Boy came down to stay with me and Peanut last Friday night and Saturday. They were VERY eager to help care for Peanut, and the nurses in our hallway said that we have some of the best behaved kids that they’ve had there. Anyone who knows those two monkeys, knows that they have a lot of energy – so this was quite an accomplishment for them 🙂 We’re so proud!

Big brother feeding Peanut. He didn’t need to wear the gloves – he just insisted on it because it made him feel more “doctor-ish”.

Sissy is such a mother hen!

Apparently the NICU is very busy right now – with only 1 open room! So Peanut’s nurse practitioner told us this afternoon that she is next on the list to move out of the NICU to a pediatric inpatient floor for the remainder of her stay. She could be moved as early as tomorrow (Wednesday) morning!