Lulu and I were out at my parents’ place last weekend. I was trying to get a couple good photos of a calf we’re planning on selling this winter and Lulu wanted to see Grandma eat ice cream. The bull photo didn’t turn out half bad.

Cattle photography is actually an entire industry onto itself. You could write a book (there may be some out there already) on where the feet should be placed, the position of the head, the slope of the ground, the background, and on and on. One of the trickier items is that the ears of the calf should be pointed forward. There are tricks to doing this. Some photographers have someone stand in front to the calf with a mirror or pom-poms. Others have someone bleat like a goat or lamb. Basically, anything to grab the calf’s attention. What did I use to get our calf to point his ears forward?

Lulu, of course. She decided she wanted to take pictures with me, only she didn’t have a coat warm enough. So, we put her in an extra hooded sweatshirt we had and she walked around the pasture with Grandpa while I took the photos. The calf couldn’t take his eyes off of them walking around.

I’m wondering if Grandpa and Lulu shouldn’t tag up for Halloween this year. I think they would make a pretty good Yoda and Obi.

Is That Yoda or Lulu?