Even though Peanut is almost 3 months old, we’ve only gotten a true taste of what it means to be a family of 6 during the last couple weeks that we’ve all been home together. Prior to this, it was a “divide and conquer” approach for the DW and me. One of us would be with Peanut at the hospital (normally the DW) while the other was managing the household, work (in my case), and caring for the other 3 kiddos. But now that Peanut is home, I like to think we finally have all of the chaos in one spot.

While this is a huge sigh of relief for us, it is the start of something brand new for Peanut’s older siblings who only had limited contact with her in the hospital. The adjustment for Sissy and Potato Boy has gone rather smoothly. They are both old enough to remember when we brought Lulu home. At that time, they both thought that a new baby was going to be a cross between a Tickle-Me-Elmo and a toddler – something they could carry around, play peek-a-boo with, dress up in doll clothes, and make giggle. After getting over their initial disappointment they realized that Lulu was much more fun when she got a little bit older.

This time around their expectations were a little more in check. Sissy has been a great help in comforting a hungry Peanut, rocking her to sleep after a bottle, and helping out in the kitchen. Potato Boy, on the other hand, has become an excellent assistant. He’s all about pitching in where he can – helping find missing blankets, taking care of little household chores, and distracting Lulu – a true challenge for any one.

Speaking of Lulu, her response has been mixed. She goes from this…

…to this…

…to this…

..all within a matter of minutes. What else would you expect from a two year old?