Even though she didn’t express her excitement in the same way as the rest of the kiddos this Christmas, Peanut’s moments of wide-eyed wonder had me wondering on several occasions what she must be thinking about all the commotion. And commotion there was…
It didn’t take long after it was discovered that there was nothing but crumbs left on Santa’s cookie plate and in exchange some extra gifts under the tree, for all the kiddos to gather with wild excitement. Sissy and Potato Boy were a little more systematic in their approach. Lulu didn’t care, she found the first gift with her name on it and dug in.
And just as quickly as they had appeared, they were all off in different directions.
With the addition of a new family member this year, we also added a few extra special oranments to our tree…

Ornament from Nana & Grandpa O

Ornament from Nana & Grandpa O


Ornament from our dear friend, Mary Lou

With 2012 drawing to a close, we can’t help but look back on this past year and think – where the heck did it go??? If the old expression “time flies when you’re having fun” is true…then hold on to your hats, ’cause this next year with Peanut & the gang is going to take off!

What do you mean Christmas is over already?

Happy holidays to our blog readers…we hope you are all as blessed as we’ve been this past year!