Here’s my last comment on the new Google Map image of our place… I promise…. at least for now.

In addition to the wagon, I noticed that Google’s images were clear enough that I could pick out every plant in the garden.


Yeah, I know it doesn’t look like much in that context, so let me explain.


1 – The raspberry plants
2 – Seven rows of potatoes
3 – Onions and garlic
4 – Green peppers, you can count all eight plants
5 – Sixteen tomato plants – you can tell the bigger ones towards the top of the image are grown together already.
6 – Strawberry plants that had been transplanted earlier in the spring.
7 – Three faint rows of ornamental corn that later died.
8 – Rows of lettuce, peas, broccoli – you can see these were weedy already.
9 – The lone zucchini plant, though I’m not sure why the summer squash plant right next to it didn’t show up.

The green strip on the far left is the edge of the lawn. The rest of the area was a cornfield until the spring of last year. That’s why there’s so much “brown space.” The rest of the green spots… weeds.

The point of all of this? I would have taken a little more time to make sure my garden rows were “square with the world” and weed free had I known Google was coming. That, and I’m going to think twice before working in the garden without a belt.