Maybe I was bit by the “spring-bug” or the fact that I hate standing in the store staring at a giant garden seed display while trying to find the one variety I want and they don’t have. Either way, I broke down and ordered most of the seeds we’ll need for the garden online this year. Depending who you ask, I may have went a wee-bit overboard.


But, I only got things I know we (the kiddos) will eat and can be stored. Here’s the plan so far:

Sweet Green Peppers
Green Beans
Carrots (2 varieties)
Butternut Squash
Summer Squash
Broccoli (2 varieties)


For the kiddos pumpkin patch:
Ornamental Corn
Pumpkins (4 varieties)

I also ordered some blackberries, black raspberries, and blue berries to be delivered later this spring.

There’s already red raspberries, strawberries, and garlic (hopefully) in the garden, so we still need potatoes and onions and we should be set. I’m a little leery on the tomato seeds we’re trying this year -they’re supposed to be a “seedless super-Roma” variety – so I may pick up a couple started tomato plants later this spring in case the “super-Roma” is a super flop. Let’s just hope it rains.