If Bill Cosby’s “Kids Say The Darndest Things” show was still on TV…I’d have the perfect guest for him. Lulu. Okay, okay, I’m sure that every child at some point in their toddler years has said something that made their parent(s) think “what the heck did he/she just say”! Such is the case with our Lulu….ALL. THE. TIME. So, I’ve decided to start writing these Lulu-bytes down. I should have done this with Potato Boy and Sissy – although they still say some pretty entertainig things – it’s fewer and far between. Lulu’s timing and delivery in most of these cases make it all the more entertaining. Her mind must be working in overdrive, as she says the most random things at the most random times.

Bill Cosby & Lulu...I can just see how this interview would play out!

Bill Cosby & Lulu…I can just see how this interview would play out!

Recent (random) Lucy phrases:
“Daddy, I love you more than mommy.” (Eating in Applebee’s)
“Daddy, I’m going to find a nice boy to marry me”. (Driving home from work/daycare – listening to the radio).
“When I have a baby, I am going to change her diaper and empty her bag”. (Assuming all infants come with ostomy bags).
“Mommy, why are your boobs big if you’re not pumping milk anymore?” There’s more…but it’s not appropriate for the general public. Lulu will NEVER again shower with mommy 🙂
“Daddy, can you tell me a story about someone who cut their hand, if you don’t mind”. ?!?!?!
“When I was in the car by myself, I said bad words.” (After we ran Peanut into G’ma & G’pa’s house and left Lulu by herself for all of one minute).
“Grandpa why do you walk like a turtle?”
“Mom, I want a different jam song…yeah, yeah…I like this beat”.
“What the heck…I have hair on my legs!!!”
“Mom, guess what I just pooped out?! POOP!!!”

What funny things have your kid(s) said? Comment below!