Needless to say, I’m a little behind on my national news the last few months. But after I noticed the price of lettuce at the grocery store last week I found this article…

CNBC – Your Salad Will Cost More

Apparently a cold stretch in California and Arizona damaged lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, and other winter vegetables. Prices have jumped because of it and a handful of other factors – according to the article “romaine lettuce prices have nearly tripled in a year to as much as $32 for a carton of 24 heads of lettuce. Broccoli prices are up 288 percent to $33 a carton, and spinach prices are up 150 percent to as much as $25 a carton.” I’m guessing that’s wholesale pricing, but it helps explain the serious $ I was charged for a head of lettuce last week.

Maybe I didn’t go overboard with the garden seeds this year. On second thought, maybe I didn’t get enough…