No post in over 10 days… next week we should be back on top of things… hopefully. Just to prove the DW and I haven’t been slacking, here’s a quick glimpse of what we’ve been up to instead of typing — Lulu had the stomach flu and Peanut had an eye infection during the first part of last week. Pip’s back on guard duty, but was greatly confused by one of the best opossum playing opossum acts I’ve ever seen – she’d grab him by the back of the neck and flip him up into the air, but he wouldn’t give up the act. Then I got bit by the spring bug and realized that I have a lot of things I wanted to have finished before spring not even started yet. So, once I had everything lined up for the new furnace to go in this coming weekend I started removing the cabinet doors and front drawer panels in the kitchen. We’d planned on cleaning and refinishing them all winter – no time like the present. We also started our tomato, pepper, and eggplant seeds – though with winter not willing to give up, they may never make it to the garden. More on all of that to come…