3 – As in 3 ounces of milk… Peanut has been doing great with her feeds the last couple weeks and her doctors have decided it’s time to push her a little again. So, for the last few days Peanut’s bottles have been bumped up to just over 3 oz. She’s still being fed every three hours around the clock. The little bit extra seems to really have satisfied her.

2 – As in 2 new teeth… We’ve been expecting this for a while just judging by the crazy amount of drool on Peanut’s chin at all times recently, but the DW confirmed them a few nights ago when Peanut latched on to her finger. Her front two bottom teeth are just breaking through. No signs of any top teeth yet, but I doubt they’re far behind.

1 – As in 1 more day… Thursday is Peanut’s next check-up at the UIHC. It’s been five weeks since her last in-office check-up, so it will be her first time on the “official” scale in five weeks. I’d be lying if I said we haven’t had her on a scale in five weeks, but our “reference” scale doesn’t seem to be nearly as accurate. Peanut’s weight (and height) check will only be one small portion of the check up. Peanut will have a blood draw for a full round of labs to check her liver function, iron and copper levels, hemoglobin, and sodium – just to name a few. She’ll also meet with the lead doctor from her gastrointestinal team and one of the surgeons from her surgical team. They will be checking on Peanut’s central line and ostomy. There’s always three main points of discussion 1) the results of the blood work, 2) when the central line might come out, and 3) when Peanut’s small intestine might be attached to the very small piece of remaining colon. It should be an interesting day.

Did somebody say 'doctor'?

Did somebody say ‘doctor’?