Monday turned out to be a big day for Peanut. During her March Check-up the doctors had decided it was time to remove her central line. Friday we received a call from surgery and were told that Peanut was scheduled for her procedure for Monday morning at 9:30. So bright and early Monday morning (well, maybe just early, it wasn’t any where near bright yet) the DW and I packed up Peanut and were at the UIHC for an early check-in.

Peanut Waiting For Surgery

Peanut Waiting For Surgery

Once we were checked in, we were taken to a pre-surgery room. Peanut was put in tiny hospital gown – I didn’t know they made them that small – and sat on the DW’s lap while nurses gathered information. Either Peanut was as excited to get her central line out as we were for her, or she was trying to talk her way out of the surgery, because she spent the majority of the hour and fifteen minutes we spent in the pre-surgery room talking and babbling non-stop to anyone that would listen. (The fact the anesthesiologist gave her a mild sedative to keep her relaxed may have had something to do with that.) When they where ready for her in the operating room, the anesthesiologist simply carried her in while the DW and I were sent back to the check-in area to wait. About 90 minutes later it was all over and Peanut was in recovery sleeping off the anesthesia, with a steri-strip bandage where the central line used to be.

Peanut Snuggling In Recovery

Peanut In Recovery

Peanut’s still a little sore at the old site of the line and a common side-affect of the the anesthesia is crankiness, but I think it’s a safe bet that Peanut’s only complaint about the day was that she missed three meals.