Back in February, I wrote about the first flight of Potato Boy’s first model rocket. Everything finally lined up that we could take another shot at things last weekend. Since that day back in February, Potato Boy’s collection has grown to three rockets – the solid black 36 inch rocket flown in February, as well as a bright orange 15 inch rocket and a black and gold 23 inch rocket.

Prepping For Flight

Prepping For Take Off

Potato Boy received several packets of rocket engines for his birthday last month, so he was able to get in a couple hours of launches. With larger engines this time, the rockets were getting a lot more altitude – just high enough that they’d disappear for a moment before discharging the parachute and floating back. The best part was that with the light breeze, we pointed the rockets slightly to the northwest and the breeze would bring them back to within 50 – 100 feet of where we were launching.

Lift Off!

Lift Off!

By the end of the day, Potato Boy was re-packing the parachute, reloading the engine and fuse, and launching the rocket without any help.

If you’re interested, here’s a link to Amazon for one of the sets Potato Boy was using. It has everything you need to get started except the engines and model tools to assemble the rockets:

If assembly isn’t your thing, this one is ready to fly and just needs engines: