The challenge of “two people 10 hours to assemble” the swing set didn’t turn out to be much of a challenge.

30 Minutes In

Thirty Minutes In

After logging about four and a half hours between Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights the first week we brought it home Lulu and I had the swing set about 90% complete.

Five Hours In

Almost Five Hours In

It only took another 90 minutes last weekend and things were wrapped up. Not shabby if you consider one of our “two people” was three years old and scared of any tool that makes a sound louder than a ratchet. Plus, once I was far enough along to hang one of the swings I was basically on my own.

6 Hours - Finished!

6 Hours – Finished!

The middle spot is reserved for Peanut’s swing. It just needs a few adjustments and it will be set to go as well.