Peanut returned to the UIHC during the last week of May for another scheduled checkup. The day was scheduled full for Peanut. She started the morning with a swallow study in Peds Radiology and then it was off to the Specialty Clinic for a blood draw in hopes the results would be back before the afternoon appointment with her GI doctor – all while trying to keep her on her eating schedule.
Peanut has been having trouble occasionally with some of her food, so her doctor wanted to conduct a swallow study to see how Peanut was handling her food as she swallowed it. For those of you who have never seen a swallow study, Peanut was strapped into a highchair and a X-Ray machine was focused in on her mouth and neck areas. She was then fed a series of solutions that got progressively thicker as a Speech Pathologist watched her swallow on the screen connected to the X-Ray. (The rest of us watched on another screen in the next room.)
The DW was able to grab a still shot of the screen with her phone. Once you realize where the spine is, it’s easy to make out Peanut’s mouth. It didn’t take long for the Speech Pathologist to decide that Peanut was handling her food appropriately for her age and any issues she may be having should resolve on their own in time.
The rest of the day – with the exception of the blood draw – was uneventful. Unfortunately, it took 4 sticks over the course of 90 minutes to hit a vein that would provide the blood needed for the various tests. After that, Peanut was exhausted.
So while Peanut snoozed in the stroller, we grabbed some lunch from the cafeteria and took it to Lulu’s favorite spot in the hospital while we waited for Peanut’s next appointment.
It’s starting to sound like a broken record (and we won’t complain a bit), but again the doctors were pleased with Peanut’s continued progress. She now weighs over 16 pounds and is showing proper developmental skills for her age. She’s to continue with her green bean shake regimen, though we’ve upped the volume to 110 ml – or just over 4 ounces – every three hours. (We continue to skip the 1 AM feeding.) We’re also starting to introduce more new solids, specifically meat and veggie combinations – Peanut’s food options are starting to expand and she’s starting to pick favorites. Finally, there is also some discussion of adjusting some of Peanut’s medications based on her next series of bloods tests later this month. It is likely we’ll be able to discontinue one of her meds, while the dose of another will need to increased as she’s outgrowing its effectiveness at the current dosage.
I don’t think she misses a thing.