There’s a long history of me taking on a rather extensive home improvement project only to have it interrupted by a medical emergency of one kind or another. For example, there was the time we were in the middle of remodeling the basement in our prior home when Jill went into labor six weeks early with Lulu. Or, the ER visit we had while laying a hardwood floor in the kitchen of that same house. So, it should come as no surprise when Peanut got sick on Saturday I had something tore apart – two somethings to be specific.

Shortly after moving in, the DW and I realized what the seller’s definition of a “slight” water leak in the basement was. Let’s be clear, the house was finished in 1917 and a portion of the foundation is rock – I wouldn’t be realistic if I didn’t expect some water. The problem was the cement patio outside that was intentionally sloped towards the house. To make matters worse, when the cement slab was poured, it covered a window well. Not a sealed off window well, but a window covered with a board and filled with dirt. I think you get the picture on where the water was going and how it was getting there.

Earlier this spring I removed the majority of the cement patio. It significantly improved the situation, but still didn’t correct the problem. Last week, in conjunction with painting the house (more on that later), I started digging out the old basement windows so they could be sealed off properly. After taking about 18 inches of dirt away from the house, here’s what I found…


Yup… that’s the original glass and wood frame holding back the dirt that was piled against it.


And this one was so rotten most of the window frame was gone.

With both of the areas dug out and cleaned up, the plan was to brick the areas in to seal things up tightly. And that’s where I was on Saturday morning… with two 36″ x 18″ holes in the side of the foundation and rain forecasted for later that day… as I was on the way to the UIHC with Peanut.

This is were I’m lucky to live close to family. A short time after the DW and I had left with Peanut, my dad had rounded up my brothers. (For the record, this is the same crew that bailed me out on the basement remodel and hardwood floor project.) Mortar was mixed and blocks were set in short order – though rumor has it they got more than a little wet from a heavy rain before they were finished.


Once things dry out, all that’s left is to shape the lawn back up (making sure the dirt slopes away from the house). Dirt will cover all but 3 or 4 inches of the top blocks.