In the past roughly 50 hrs since surgery, Peanut has made great progress. I’ll admit, Tuesday was discouraging as she was in quite a bit of pain and slept a lot. She had a rough last night into early morning today. However, as the pictures below show…her recovery is going full speed ahead!

One of the nurses mentioned that she prefers working with children recovering from surgery rather than adults because children bounce back much quicker and are more pleasant patients. 🙂 I would have to agree after seeing Peanut’s progress today!

8am - Peanut hadn't moved much aside from reaching for her dolly.

8am – Peanut hadn’t moved much aside from reaching for her dolly.

10am - With the help of her favorite 3J nurse,Trang, Peanut sat up for the first time post surgery.  Not yet steady enough to sit alone.  The morphine likely had a little to do with that!

10am – With the help of her favorite 3J nurse, Trang, Peanut sat up for the first time post surgery. Not yet steady enough to sit alone. The morphine likely had a little to do with that!

3:30pm - Peanut is finally content, sitting inclined watching cartoons.

3:30pm – Peanut is extremely content, sitting inclined watching cartoons.

5:45pm - Peanut goes for her 1st wagon ride post surgery.  Halfway through the ride she sat herself up without help and rode the rest of the way sitting up.  Waving and starting to jabber to other nurses and patients.

5:45pm – Peanut goes for her 1st wagon ride post surgery. Halfway through the ride she sat herself up without help and rode the rest of the way sitting up. Waving and starting to jabber to other nurses and patients along the way.

8pm - Peanut is now able to pull herself up to standing without help!

8pm – Peanut is now able to pull herself up to standing without help!

What a difference 12 hours can make! She has had her epidural catheter and NG tube removed today, and I am most proud to report…she’s passing gas! 🙂 A good sign that her bowels are waking up!

Tomorrow’s goals: 1) Peanut may be able to restart oral medications & have some pedialyte. She has had nothing to eat or drink orally since 10:30am Monday morning. 2) Lower her morphine dosage and still stay comfortable. 3) POOP! However, the surgeon said that still may take a few days before she actually passes anything aside from gas.

So tonight before I go to bed, I am thanking God for her progress today…and praying for Poop.