During rounds on Tuesday, Peanut’s doctors were happy with how she was doing and decided it was time to send her home. As we packed up our things and put her in her stroller to walk out of the hospital, I don’t think Peanut was aware of what was going on – she had spent a lot of time the last few days in her stroller on walks to pass the time and this seemed like one more walk. That changed when she saw the car. She couldn’t get out of the stroller and into her car seat fast enough.

Peanut playing while waiting for her ride home.

Peanut playing while waiting for her ride home.

Now that we’re home, it doesn’t mean that the surgery is completely behind us. Peanut still has several issues that we need to deal with: 1) her incision has a slight infection that requires daily attention, 2) her bottom is battling a grisly case of diaper rash, and 3) we need to get her eating back on track. Between the last 6 weeks of being sick and the surgery, Peanut’s weight has dropped below 18 pounds. We believe the reason for her recent sickness has been addressed, so it’s time for her to start growing again.

Additionally, we’d like to say thank you to everyone who dropped in, left gifts, sent notes, or simply called saying they were thinking of us during Peanut’s hospitalization. Your thoughts and prayers were truly appreciated.