We knew this day would come…I just didn’t believe it would get here so fast. 13 years have passed at the speed of light! In my mind, our now 13 year-old daughter should still be 7. I can’t help but feel a wee bit sad about this, but all of that is overshadowed by the proud feelings I have when I look at our Sissy.

Last night Sissy went to a seventh grade dance – and likely had her first slow dance – although I doubt she will admit it to us. She’s crushing on boys AND already talking about how excited she is to start hunting for college scholarships!?!? I know we can’t keep her living here forever…or can we? Hmmm…no, it’s not right to entertain the thought of finding a way to keep her a child forever.

If you haven’t already noticed, I get a little sentimental around the time of my children’s birthdays. I love looking through old pictures and reminiscing about their actual “birth day”. Each one of the kids’ birthdays are equally special, but Sissy’s birthday will always mark a special turning point in my life. She gave me something that I never knew I was missing.

I have truly enjoyed watching Sissy grow and mature over the past thirteen years. I’m ashamed to admit I’ve used the “grow up” or “act your age” line on the Sissy and Potato Boy a few times, but deep down I think I’m just envious. They still have that natural curiosity about life…they love unconditionally…forgive easily…they have vivid imaginations…speak freely…and they still believe that if you try hard enough, anything is possible. That’s the part of childhood I hope my kids don’t lose as they grow older. I think most of us would agree we’d like to take that sense of childlike optimism with us through life.

I know Sissy’s in a hurry to grow up…most teens are. But Sissy, if you’re reading this, just take it slow on your old mom, don’t grow up too fast. Take time to really enjoy these next few years.

Happy birthday to our intelligent, compassionate, lovely teenager.

Sissy on the eve of her 13th birthday.  Heading out to her  first "real" junior high dance.

Sissy on the eve of her 13th birthday. Heading out to her “real” first junior high dance.

Through the years…

- Photo Courtesy: Milestone Portraits by Thea -

– Photo Courtesy: Milestone Portraits by Thea –
