Wednesday may have been Peanut’s best check-up yet. Her GI doctor continues to be pleased with her growth (she’s up to 21 1/2 pounds) and is working on a few changes to her diet to see how she reacts to a formula in her green bean shake that’s not as restrictive. We skipped any blood work this time, as Peanut’s doctor felt she was doing well and the liver numbers we’re monitoring are slow to change. Though she didn’t realize it, I’m sure Peanut was thrilled to skip the needle stick- even if that means the DW and I have to wait six more weeks to see the next set of lab results.

In addition to the great check-up, Peanut continues to develop on schedule. She’s now walking and running everywhere, and when she has the opportunity (remember, she has three older siblings) she will talk your ear off.


It may seem odd, but Peanut has recently been able to experience her first snow with several days outside over the last week. Even though the weather would have allowed for her to be outside last winter, her central line and IV pump weren’t compatible with making snow angels. The winter we had this year only allowed for one day nice enough for her to be outside until the recent warmup.


It’s a lot of work, but I think she likes keeping up with her older siblings…