Those of you that follow us know that we like our potatoes. Heck… it wouldn’t make much sense to call the boy Potato Boy if he preferred leafy greens. Ironically, with that said, we haven’t bought a potato in over 2 years – thanks to a big garden. It’d be great if we had perfect potato storage and every potato we grew sat there waiting to be used. Instead, during a winter day miserable enough to keep everyone inside we’ll make twice baked potatoes to put in the freezer.


There’s nothing fancy about it. We’ll make the potato just as we normally would, but instead of throwing the them back in the oven the second time simply let them cool, wrap them in aluminum foil, and throw them in a bag in the freezer. When we’re ready to eat them, we’ll just throw the frozen potato, still wrapped in foil, in the oven. Not to say that it’s so simple anyone could do it, but here are some photos of the help I recruited when we froze some last winter…




My personal favorite: butter, sour cream, cheddar and chives.