Have I ever mentioned how patient the DW is with me when it comes to certain projects? Let’s just say that this one has gone on for so long that I’ve lost the “before” photos. The dresser was given to us shortly after moving by the DW’s grandmother, who had used it when she was young. It was a dark brown, had four drawers on the left and a large door that covered the right half. We originally used it to store all of Peanut’s medical supplies, but had plans to freshen it up for the girls’ bedroom.

Sometime in the fall of 2014 I carried the dresser to the basement and started to work on it. It was supposed to be a quick project: remove the door, make some repairs, add a couple of shelves, and a coat of paint. The door came off and the first few coats of paint went on in no time. Then the project stalled… for days…. then months… while we got busy on other, bigger, projects. It was to the point I had gotten used to working around it in the basement.

Almost a year in, and I still hadn’t finished putting the shelves in as planned. (The DW had finished painting everything but the shelves at this point.) Determined not to let the dresser celebrate an anniversary in the basement, I took an hour last week and finished the shelves. The DW wasted no time in painting them and a day later the dresser was in the girls’ room.

Finally, finished…
